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Become an Adult Carer

Discover how to undertake consistent programmes of care for an adult, be they a family member, friend, or maybe you’re looking to move into the care profession. Consider personal health care matters such as the disciplines of being a hygienist. Look into general health and wellness such as the importance of diet, vitamins and exercise to help beat aging. Also, focus on promoting a healthy mind, building healthy relationships, and fostering good mental wellbeing.

Understand the symptoms of dementia

Learn about adult dyslexia

Ascertain how to analyse disease states so as to know how to help the body to recover

Health and Social Care for Adults

If you work in health and social care, utilise services yourself, or might want to study in depth to discover more about how we bolster grown-ups in our care framework, this course is for you. This course is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to care for others in a broad range of health or social care settings using real-life case studies to explore a wide variety of interesting issues and debates. Enrol now and study this course from the comfort of your home and at your own pace.

Dementia Awareness Training Course

Currently there are more than 700,000 in the UK suffering from dementia and the numbers are expected to rise to a million by 2025. Another statistic suggests that one in three people over the age of 65 die because of dementia. If you have a loved one suffering from the condition or would like to help others in need, then you should consider getting this Dementia Awareness Training Course.

This course is designed to help you realize the affects of dementia, by initially answer the question what is dementia, introducing policies and the importance of awareness. Next the course addresses awareness and misunderstanding by addressing Alzheimer’s disease, risk factors and diverse communities. The course helps you see the signs of dementia and identify prevention and treatment methods through different therapies.

Adult Dyslexia Awareness Diploma

Dyslexia has been depicted as a trouble in processing information which might be connected to insufficiency in short-term memory and visual coordination. It is an inalienable shortcoming in short-term memory, which is either sound-related or visual that can make it troublesome for individuals to learn and comprehend the connection amongst images, symbols, and spoken sounds.

In this course, the tips and different resources we’ve laid out for you will help you in your capacity to defeat adult dyslexia and know how to handle people suffering from it. You will succeed and end up getting a control of life all the more at this point.

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