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How to Get a Child Care Assistant Job: A Career Guide

Child care assistant jobs are a major factor in US families as you don’t want to leave your child alone in the house as well as don’t want to lose your job for the sake of your children. Most of the time it is hard for a family to take care of children if parents are working. You can contribute to such a family if you are looking for a part-time job or full-time job or aiming to raise your own children. This blog is going to change your thoughts on child care assistant jobs.

What is Child Care Assistance?

Child care assistance is a program designed by government and private agencies for parents with lower income. The income range differs from state to state. Government has a dedicated agency ‘Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)’ that hires college students, men & women for  different child care programs. Eligibility for such a job requires a minimum certification of training.

Become a Child Care Expert. Enroll in Diploma in Child Care Course

Who is a Child Care Assistant?

The Childcare Assistant is a person who works closely with the Childcare Teacher in conducting daily duties such as-

It is a passionate job that requires love for children, patience to childish behavior and smiling gestures all the time. It is not necessary that you will always be an assistant. Proper certification and experience can lead you in pursuing teachership at Child Care Assistance Programs.

How Does Child Care Assistance Work?

Different states have different approaches to Child Care Assistance Programs (CCAPs) based on locations, income rates, safety and environment. But the central government has mandatory law to ensure child care for every family. However, CCAP is not a free program. Every parent has to pay for this child care Assistance. It totally depends on the income rate of the parents. Families that make more money pay higher rates than others. So the county you live in pays a portion for your child. If you are a Child Care Assistant, don’t worry when you get a job in lower income families. CCAP sends money to their home for your payment. Even you can negotiate   for more money from a family according to your demand. 

Your Options as A Child Care Assistant

You have various options to choose as a child care assistant. From your early month, you can start your earning by doing any of this job. The most common options are-

Family child care homes are the largest sector for child care service. Family child care is called many names in different states (i.e. Licensed child care homes, Licensed group family child care homes, Legally exempt or license-exempt homes, Certified child care homes, Registered child care homes or Family, friend, and neighbor care). But the jobs with child care assistance remain the same all over the country. You will be working on small groups of children in a residential building i.e. a house, apartment, or condo unit.

Child care centers are mainly for parents who do not want their children out of their sight. So the centers are situated at commercial buildings. Different aged children have classes. You can provide child care assistance in such centers which are normally governed by a child care director and child care teacher if needed.   

This kind of child care is for pregnants and below 3 years children. You as a child care assistant will take care of such children. If you are a child care certified parent, you can even volunteer in the program. So head start centers are normally non profit organizations. This opportunity is open for low income families who can not pay for pre-schools.

How good are your couminications

Preschool programs are for 3-5 years children. In some states, people call it prekindergarten. Child care centers, schools, non-profit organizations and worship places offer preschool programs. To work in a preschool program, you have to be a licenced and certified child care assistant.

One of the best options for you to work in before- and after school care for school-age children (also known as out of school time care). Child care centers and family child care homes offer this kind of opportunity. You can become a child care assistant job holder in recreation centers, places of worship, and youth programs including the Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCA, and 21st Century Community Learning Centers. 

Vacation child care programs are for school age children and preschool aged children. You can teach swimming, music, arts, drawings, treasure hunting, hiking, games as a child care assistant in such programs. A certified child care assistant will get preference in such a job. If you want to know about your state’s child care resources, go to ‘See Your State’s Resources’. 

Vacation and Summer Child Care Programs

I think it needs no introduction to you. Most of the child care assistant job holders do part  time jobs at children’s homes. Most of the time, you will not be regulated by the government for this kind of job. But having an extra experience / certification can help you earn more. 

You can do family, friend, and neighbor care if you are a relative, friend, or neighbor, or a babysitter or nanny. This job is typically exempt from licensing and regulations. You may not require health, safety, and training standards unless the children’s family or caregiver cares for children who receive government financial assistance. 

Requirements for Child Care Assistance: Health and Safety

Child care assistance programs require many factors to be ticked. But for a child, health and safety is prior to everything. If you want to become a Child Care Assistant, health and safety training is must. These requirements will not be in your child care teacher job description as they are considered as prerequisites. The US government has given these training tasks-

Potential Home to Get a Job

If you are actively looking for a job as a Child Care Assistant, seek the job to a valid caregiver.  According to the US government, the eligible caregivers are doing work (with salary or wage), looking for work or going to school to get CCAP funding; the following criteria are eligible-

25 hours/week work for one-parent household and 50 hours/week work for two-parent household. Although it can vary from state to state. 

So they are your potential people to ask for a job or let them know you are a certified Child Care Assistant. There are also some people you should not ask for child care jobs (unless they are legal guardians). They are-

Where can You Join as A Child Care Assistant?

Every state and county has their own Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP). If you are a US citizen or have an acceptable immigrant visa, you can join any government, private, non profit child care assistance program. Even if you feel too experienced and popular, you can licence your own child care provider company in a state. This website is dedicated for child care assistance resources in the US. 

A Safe Career or Temporary

If that is your concern, look for the following statistical results from CAP. Every couple that was surveyed in this table uses multiple child care systems and 47% of them use licenced child care. Only .9% of them self-care for their children. All of them are working parents.

young children

Still not get your market? Look for this-

Figure chart

Getting a licensed child care for children in families in the top income quintile is twice as high as in the bottom income quintile. The bottom income quintile gets funding for their children from  which they pay you. 

Possible Max Earning

Earning differs from state to state. But the difference is by a large margin. Every state has their law of hourly, weekly and monthly earning tables. The following chart is just a part of the huge table for different counties in Minnesota state.   

Possible Max Earning​

Closing Note:

Child care is the most concerning fact for a young parent in the US. Almost every parent adopts a child care system. So if you are planning to get a Child Care Assistant Job then a valid certificate is going to help you avail it. 

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September 9, 2020

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